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2021 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad

I was selected as a winner of the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad in 2021, which is the highest government award granted by the Chinese government to Chinese students overseas, established in 2003 by the China Scholarship Council of Ministry of Education of China

2021 IACP Karen R. Polenske Best Student Paper Award

My paper "Does Ridesourcing Provide Equitable Accessibility" was selected as the winner of the 2021 IACP Karen R. Polenske Best Student Paper Award.​The award, established in honor of Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Karen R. Polenske, a prominent regional economist and a leading scholar of China’s sustainable development, is given annually to International Association for China Planning (IACP) student members.

2021 THNS (Transports à Haut Niveau de Service) Best Research Gold Award

My paper "Does Ridesourcing Provide Equitable Accessibility" was selected as the winner of the 2021 Research Gold Award by THNS (The International Symposium on Sustainable Development of Urban Transport Systems) Resilient City and Transport Forum

Finalist of 2021 Best PhD Dissertation Award

Selected by the 2021 World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research (WSTLUR)

2020 Czamanski Dissertation Award 

My dissertation proposal, "Travel behavior of ridesourcing: A data-driven analysis," was selected by the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) as the winner of the 2020 Czamanski Dissertation Award.

2020 IACP Karen Polenske Best Student Paper Award

My paper "What is the elasticity of sharing a ridesourcing trip?" was selected as the winner of the 2020 IACP Karen R. Polenske Best Student Paper Award.
​The award, established in honor of Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Karen R. Polenske, a prominent regional economist and a leading scholar of China’s sustainable development, is given annually to International Association for China Planning (IACP) student members.

Louis Bevier Dissertation Completion Fellowship

My dissertation proposal "Travel Behavior of Ridesourcing: A Data-Driven Analysis" won the 2020-2021 Rutgers University Louis Bevier Fellowship, as one of ten selected projects awarded by the School of Graduate Studies. The fellowship provides a funding package including $25,000 stipend, tuition waiver, and health insurance.

“Getting Started Teaching Online at University of South Carolina” Grant

I was selected by the two-week training of online teaching offered by the Center for Teaching Excellence at the University of South Carolina and received $500 teaching grant.

Rutgers University School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Conference Travel Award

I was selected and funded by the Rutgers School of Graduate Studies (SGS) for presenting my papers at the 99th Transportaion Research Board Annual Meeting.

Travel Fund for the 8th Annual Winter School on the Social Studies of Emerging Technologies

I was selected to participate in the seven-day Winter School on the Social Studies of Emerging Technologies, supported by the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI). It is an interdisciplinary training, discussion, and collaboration event that involves emerging scholars globally. I introduced my research on shared mobility and autonomous driving to the team and faculty and received valuable feedbacks

2019 American Public Transportation Foundation Scholarship

I received the Valarie J. McCall Scholarship again ($6,500 + travel fund). I attended the Ceremony of Honors of the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) at the 2019 TRANSForm Conference in New York.

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2018 American Public Transportation Foundation Scholarship

As a recognition of my hard work and commitment to promoting public transportation, I received the Valarie J. McCall Scholarship ($7,500 + travel fund). I attended the 30th Anniversary Ceremony of the American Public Transportation Foundation (APTF) at the 2018 APTA Conference in Nashville.

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2018 Bloustein Snowball Scholarship

My paper "Is transit important for single parents?: Evidence from Maryland" received the 2018 Bloustein Snowball Scholarship ($500), which was selected by a faculty committee.

2017 American Planning Association (APA) Small Grants Award

My proposal "Is transit important for single parents?: Evidence from Maryland" received the 2017 American Planning Association (APA) Transportation Planning Division (TPD) Small Grants Award ($500).

Gold Prize of the Fifth Environmental Design Award of China (2015)

As one of the key members in the practical project "The Master Plan of 2014 Qingdao International Horticultural Exposition,"  I received the Gold Prize of the Fifth Environmental Design Award of China (2015).

Annual Outstanding Design Award in the Fourth International Landscape Planning and Design Competition (2014)

As one of the key members in the practical project "The Master Plan of 2014 Qingdao International Horticultural Exposition,"  I won the Annual Outstanding Design Award in the Fourth International Landscape Planning and Design Competition (2014)

Second Prize in the Urban Sociology Paper Contest at the 2014 Chinese Sociological Association Academic Annual Conference

My paper "An Exploration of the Types and Mechanisms of Creative Communities Based on New Urbanization Perspectives" (in Chinese) was awarded the Second Prize in the Urban Sociology Paper Contest at the 2014 Chinese Sociological Association Academic Annual Conference in Wuhan, China

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