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Selected Peer-reviewed Publications

Travel Behaviour and Society 2022, Vol. 29: 211-223

Sicheng Wang, Joy J. Kim, Yanfeng Xu

Exploring perceived transportation disadvantages: Distribution, disparities, and associations with the built environment

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 2022, accepted

Yuche Chen, Sicheng Wang (corresponding), Xuanke Wu

Understanding preferences for bicycling and bicycle infrastructure

International Journal of Sustainable Transportation

Robert B Noland, Maria Luz Laham, Sicheng Wang

Professional Geographer 2022, 

Annie S. Lee, Michael L. Lahr, Sicheng Wang

A Data-Driven Investigation on Park Visitation and Income Mixing of Visitors in New York City

Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 2022, 9

Hanxue Wei, Xiao Huang, Sicheng Wang, Junyu Lu, Zhenlong Li, Liao Zhu

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 2021, Vol. 153: 284-305

Sicheng Wang, Robert B. Noland

Variation in Ride-Hailing Trips in Chengdu, China

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 2021, Vol. 90: 102596

Sicheng Wang, Robert B. Noland

Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2021, Vol. 12: 100470

Elizabeth A. Mack, Shubham Agrawal, Sicheng Wang

Staying at Home Is A Privilege: Evidence from Fine-Grained Home-Dwelling Records in the U.S. during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Annals of the Association of American Geographers 2021

Xiao Huang, Junyu Lu, Sicheng Wang, Hanxue Wei, Song Gao

Attitudes towards Privately-Owned and Shared Autonomous Vehicles

Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour  2020, Vol. 72: pp 297 - 306

Sicheng Wang, Zhiqiu Jiang, Robert B. Noland, Andrew S. Mondschein

The Disruptive Effect of Ridesourcing Services on For-Hire Vehicle Drivers’ Income and Employment

Transport Policy  2020, Vol. 89: pp 13 - 23

Sicheng Wang, Michael Smart

Transit Use of Single-Parent Households: Evidence from Maryland

Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives  2020Vol. 8: 100223

Sicheng Wang, Yanfeng Xu

Synthesizing Neighborhood Preferences for Automated Vehicles

Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 2020, Vol. 120: 102774

Wenwen Zhang, Kaidi Wang, Sicheng Wang, Zhiqiu Jiang, Andrew S. Mondschein, Robert B. Noland

Time-Series Clustering for Home Dwell Time during COVID-19: What Can We Learn from It?

ISPRS Internatioanal Journal of Geo-Information

Xiao Huang, Zhenlong Li, Junyu Lu, Sicheng Wang, Hanxue Wei, Xiaoxu Chen

A Route Optimization Algorithm for Long-distance Commuter Express Bus Service Based on OD Estimation from Mobile Phone Location Data: A Case of the Changping Corridor in Beijing

Public Transport 2020

Zhenbao Wang, Sicheng Wang (co-first author), Haitao Lian

Is It Really Too Far? Overestimating Walk Time and Distance Reduces Walking

Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 2020, Vol. 74: pp 522-535

Kelcie Ralph, Michael J Smart, Robert B. Noland, Sicheng Wang, Lisa Cintron

Spatial Distributions of Attitudes and Preferences towards Autonomous Vehicle

Transport Findings 2020, May

Zhiqiu Jiang, Sicheng Wang, Andrew S. Mondschein, Robert B. Noland

Employment Accessibility and Rising Seas

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 2019, Vol. 77: pp 560 - 572

Robert B. Noland, Sicheng Wang, Scott Kulp, Benjamin H. Strauss

Head Start Availability and Supply Gap of Childcare Slots: A New Jersey Study

Children and Youth Services Review 2019, Vol. 104: 104394

Jeounghee Kim, Sicheng Wang

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